Our film in the USA!
The American festivalFlickers’ Rhode Island, one of the bestfestivals in the world for shortmovies, selected „Likeall the others” („Wie alldieanderen”), a movie by Max Bommas, for thisyear'scompetition. Showcasingatthishighlyrespectedfestivalwill be a worldpremiere for the movie. Ourhugecongratulations on the greatsuccess!
Max Bommas, whostudiesdirectingatWarsaw Film School, comes from Germany. In the movie „Likeall the others” he tries to face hiscountry’shistory and reflect on the madness of war by telling a story about a young German soldierwhowants to escape from the army as the secondworld war is coming to an end. Young Willi Langner doesn’t want to sacrificehimself in the name of nationalsocialism. However, he'strapped in a bunker, whichhas to be defendedagainst the Soviets, with a fanaticgeneral and no way out. It seemslike he isfacing a certaindeath - likeall the others.
Cast: Vinzenz Wagner, Folke Paulsen, Leo Kleiber
Director, screenwriter and editor:Max Bommas
Cinematographer: Oscar Pinaud
Sound editor: Maks Sekula
Executiveproducer: YevangelinaKovalchuk, Max Bommas
Artisticoverview:Marek Brodzki, Mateusz Pastewka
Producent: Maciej Ślesicki
Production: Warsaw Film School